The British are Coming!
Not rated

By AncientLlama
06/28/2009 - 19:19:02

Type: Collect adventure
Rating: 0.35 (Not rated)
Tags: cannon, captain, collect, kahote, money, pirate, sail, terrified, villager, wealth


Help the pirates to destroy a coastal village and pillage its riches.



By Gherty

I loved the part when the pirates runned towards the city and then turned back to you. Made me laugh :)

By zand123

Not bad, i liked the ending when you steal all the treasure.

By G-Cracker27

nice piece of work, the cannon was well thought out!

By centaurianruler

hey man sweet this reminds me of my levels exactely except mine are longer than holy hell an

By duelist

Sounds Interesting, I'm gonna try this.

By klvwolfe

uite an interesting adventure, I didn't cross the river but now I fell so tempted too now that I've completed it, looks like you put some good effort into making it!

By crocorock

awesome, like the wall part!


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