Plague Town
Not rated

By SewnBackTogether
06/27/2009 - 06:19:30

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)


Defend the city of Armordine against the sinister plague of Slagathor



By Parkaboy

Overall, not worth the measly 15 points awarded... I hope those comments can help you make a better quality adventure next time...

By Parkaboy

The final fight was very boring. There isn't much point in doing anything other than sitting back and waiting while the NPCs take care of the boss' ridiculously high amount of HP...

By Parkaboy

Now I don't get your comment about my spelling. Certainly my adventures had less mistakes than this? There was punctuations lacking on almost every line.

By Parkaboy

The buildings fit each other very poorly. You should consider using ctrl or shift for a better placement. In some places, there were gaps under the walls where my captain could pass through.

By Parkaboy

The lack of any preview adventures is a big turnoff. Leaving the default picture just seems kind of lazy. Take a few screenshots next time, that'll improve the number of plays.

By Parkaboy

Since you has given such an in-depth criticism of my Bauder's Gate adventures, I thought of returning the favor, so here it goes...

By rulycar

Has no adventure type ... what am I getting myself into?

By SewnBackTogether

Thanks alot man. I didn't think it was that great personally. Especially because it was my second.

By blinky

A very good adventure up with the best ive have played. buildings, effects text. Everything was great!


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