The Mysterious Islands
Not rated

By ExplorerPerson
06/24/2009 - 01:27:07

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.18 (Not rated)


You have crashed landed on a island you need to get back to your ship but you dont know how. What is this new place?



By Fecal_Lord

I wish the grammar was better. I can hardly follow what is being said.

By lisajoevojtko


By ExplorerPerson

It isent out of order you just have to do what the mission ask you to do and also if you have sprint you can get up becuase i have

By ArfArf

ehh glitchy. if you fall of the island wwith no jump jets your screwed

By teamnoir

Can't get through portals, keep bouncing back. Also, order is broken. I died when I talked to the inventor.

By Reaper1820

How did u make houses that u can go inside?


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