The Mutants of Acariaron
Not rated

By mchmt55116
06/23/2009 - 16:52:31

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: -0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: adventure, boss, first, horror, quest


Mutants have taken over this planet, come to the inhabitants rescue. There are three paths to choose which will you take?



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By Fieldmonsters

Nice adventure, but i had to go to the editor to find the boss.

By Takua01

I couldn't find any "paths" but I still managed to win.

By hotozi

wow ilike it but try my adventures calling castle in danger zorc attack goood luck cause it realy but is u re a good player it should be OOKKAy

By Ethur85

Nice adventure, mchmt55116. Nice adventure. Nice setting, nice story, nice boss fight, but the only thing I might suggest is putting up arrows effects to point out the ways.

By Ethur85

@ Grictalio, I recruited the help of some of the droids patrolling town to help me.

By Ethur85

@ Grictalio,

By Yukka57

Really liked the mission, particularly the wide range of species.

By Alskf199

Where the **** IS the mutant thing! It's been 20 min.!

By shadowsox11

Great creatures and enviornment, but I couldn't find the enemy and made my furst straight complete circle around a planet lol (Leaving from one path of the city and coming back in the other)

By Jonzo

I'll play this soon!

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