Basic Computer Terminal 1
Not rated

By AngryZealot
06/20/2009 - 00:59:41

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)
Tags: angryzealot, computer, gaprop, hologram, iae, key


A standardized military access terminal found throughout IAE bases and space vessels. They use an advanced quadruple encrypted data feed that links to the IAE's interstellar military DatNet and can only be accessed by IAE personnel of sufficient ranking.


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By Laszlo97


By Superbug716

Nice, great computer

By Rambie

Also great, i can understand how you could be bother with this one

By groxhappy

better than maxis

By Goldcorn

Pretty awesome =)

By Manjensan

How is that basic? That is awesome!

By Dantrooper

dude ur stuff is amazing, these pcs are totally off da gaprop charts! ;D

By RAmenAMEN23

Great job, but wait! Not a giant red button! NO!

By DarthVadersMidge

Fascinatingly accurate sci-fi stuff. Have you attempted a Star Trek or Star Wars mission? I can assure you that nobody would be displeased :D


This kicks a$$ in sooooo many ways :D

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