Ship Interior Engine Room

By codyr2391
06/19/2009 - 01:24:20

Type: Factory building
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: gaprop, set:shipinterior


I put lots of details inside, lift off the roof and take a peek for yourself :)


By Squawk21

do you mind me using these for something?

By sErgEantaEgis

Dude this is epic!I will use these in my adventure they look so awesome!

By StarUniter

Hey this looks a lot like the interior of a ship form Star Wars Amazing job:D

By Andeavor

This one's my favorite.

By M5000

Love it. I'm making an enitre set similar to this to replicate a ship interior, needless to say I got the idea from you.. But this engine room is phenomenal!

By antipyrene

Love the turbines

By codyr2391

Yes without removing the roof its impossible to see what its like so if you really wanna know its very easy to remove it.

By Razgreze

It's hard to see the inside without going into the creator, but when you do, It looks like an awsome GA prop.

By B1ack_Blob

aww sweet interior


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