Special Explosive Missile
Not rated

By Salabasama
06/18/2009 - 09:05:03

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: creator:salabasama, gaprop, missle, weapon


This is no ordinary missile. It is a special one that explodes. Hope we can have ships divebomb stuff.


By SquidBob

while my patrol ships have weapons and they just nuke everything in sight (well they are the cavalry in my adventure)....still learning things about GA

By SquidBob

it looks like at least in an adventure, placement of actual weapons on ships may affect damage that ship does in the adventure...my shadowspore ships have no weapons...they still shoot a green beam but takes forever to break a 2 hp building, at %900

By SquidBob

in games I tend to love "things that go BOOM!"

By Flytdais

Special missile indeed. I'm always impressed by even your simplest creations.


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