Ruins - Tomb Warrior
Not rated

By krakenmk
06/13/2009 - 02:32:56
Type: House building
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: buddha, column, ga, gaprop, gaset, modular, raised, row, ruins, statue, temple, tomb, warrior
A Tomb Warrior, blended with Buddha, style of stone statue. Modular set piece for building a Temple Ruins in GA.
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By GeneralZCD
Nice! Are you going to use it in an adventure? If you aren't can I use these?
By Wonny3SW
Awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By ak827
This is a fantastic statue! The whole ruins sporecast is awesome! I'm thinking of doing something for the Surreal Challenge too. R+
By krakenmk
Well, this particular GA is set in a Buddhist Temple Ruins... so such a statue seemed appropriate enough. Are there not humans and human-like alien forms in Star Wars and Star Trek? So why not in Spore GA also? I am sure there will be plenty of variety.
By Vektrix
Unbelievably good R+
By Andeavor
Rrrroooo, rrroooo...
By Seratil
um kraken, if this is for GA purposes, then why does it look human? might it not be better if it looked alien?
By hpatx
Great statue. Like the details. Added to my temples sporecast. R+