Brain teaser 14
Not rated

By VandelAtWerk
06/06/2009 - 01:50:59

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: brain teaser, mindtrap, puzzle, vaw


The Arrows below represent a common english word. Break the code and state the word. Answer in a few days, Please check back.


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By VandelAtWerk

The arrows are compass directions (N)orth (E)ast (W)est (S)outh.. NEWS

By VandelAtWerk

First of all, I would like to congratulate nachoproblem,crwmike,gamedude88, and blimpie07 for their correct answers, and crwmike and omnitor45 for the most amusing answers.

By nooneyouknow

DDR! no...

By iamsosweet91

Confussing (no) how about impossible (also no) uh challenging (maybe)

By CouchPotato42


By nachoproblem

That's "news" to me.

By Xeon877


By Xeon877

is it upsidedow?

By omnitor45

its just a jump the left... and a step to the riiiighht! put you hands on your hips, and shake your knees tiiight!

By st888

Whoa...no clue...brain,,,hurts

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