Codename - Idle Thumbs
Not rated

By Ryuujin
06/04/2009 - 21:54:04

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: doodle, jet-setter, lolwhut, ryuujin


While talking on the Sporum chatroom I was idley messing with the jet setter parts in the creator and when I looked back from the chat I'd assembled most of this by pure accident... what the heck >.l - I must've been channeling Shattari or something.


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By jake9696

if you call this an accident, then you must have screwed up bad. good work and like the desgin. glad to see you back.

By jake9696

if you call this an accident, then you must have screwed up bad. good work and like the desgin. glad to see you back.

By ProcyonGuardian


By Blue2Volf

Lol I saw its paintless version with a lil painting it turned out great.

By TinyPieGuy

I agreez with you: shattari is awesome. Must've had a bit of him in it!

By Ryuujin

Psychic: According to my achievements list I just lost that hard earned title. Only took a whole year of trying =p

By Psychichazard

good to see that the best unfeatured creator on spore is back!

By Billith

O.O Ryuujin's back! Great ship, one hell of an accident XD R+ blued

By Schlievmore

Great way to get back to the game! You're just as talented as I remembered!

By xijko

Yay! He's back!!!! R on this, too. Especially since you did it with only paying half attention!

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