Ruins - Reflecting Pool 2
Not rated

By krakenmk
06/04/2009 - 14:26:18

Type: House building
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: column, ga, gaprop, gaset, modular, pond, pool, raised, reflecting, row, ruins, temple, walkway, water


A larger, rectanglular reflecting pool filled with water. Modular set piece for building a Temple Ruins in GA.


By Alex25695

so if i wanted 2 make my own ruined temple type adventure i can use all of your props! Wow thats great :D All of your creations are great btw :)

By krakenmk

Anyone is welcome to use any of my shared creations in constructing GA adventures (or in Spore if appropriate). I am so glad you like them. The reason I share is so that others can enjoy these too. Please, please, simply give credit whenever doing so.

By Sakiara

wow all of your props are very beautiful. I can't wait to see your missions!

By Sakiara

hey kraken. Would it be ok if I used some of your creations for GA? I really like your creations and they would go very well in one of my missions :) Sorry I couldn't find a mailbox either.

By krakenmk

LOL! If you look at my sporecasts, you will see that I have been working on the prop sets for three separate GA adventures (Evynwire--set 'completed'; Artemis Garden Maze--a huge outdoor maze set on a castle estate; athe 'Temple Ruins'). ;)

By grindstone

does envywire quest ever end??


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