By Kaidian
06/02/2009 - 02:23:25
Type: Creature
Rating: 0.14 (Not rated)
Tags: beast, carnivore, cat, cool, creature, feline, feral, genoi, guardian, hunter, kaidian, large, linoli, mount, quadruped, stalker, sunolian, tangris
The Feral Tangris of planet Sunolian IV is a large feline species prized among the Linoli and Genoi civilizations as riding mounts and guard animals. Capable hunters by nature, their sharp inquisitiveness and tendency to out-think their prey made them excellent creatures to domesticate. Fierce and strong, the Feral Tangris are as impressive in the wild as they are as mounts in battle. Their claws are razor sharp and their eyesight is keen and capable of seeing in infra-red. Their scent organs are able to pick up odors over great distances which make them formidable trackers. Their hearing is also impressively sensitive. They are able to hear movement many hundreds of yards away. Needless to say, it is impossible to sneak up on a Feral Tangris. Their numbers were scarce in the wild, but breeding in captivity has greatly increased their number as well as their temperament towards sentient species. Once the sacred guardians of kings and royalty, they are now often utilized by both Linoli and Genoi armies in war on the battlefield, typically pitted against each other. Strikingly colored and striped, they are easily recognizable. Feared and revered by many, they are truly a sight to behold. (Inspired by Rumbleforce) [I don't mind if you copy my creations, but if you do, please be kind enough to credit me as the original creator in the description. Thanks - Kaidian]
DNA points
67 Bones | 4 Feet | 0 Hands |
Health: +3
28 %
Sociability 6 / 20 | Aggressiveness 12 / 20 | Abilities 6 / 15 |
3 / 5 | 5 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 3 / 5 | 5 / 5 |
3 / 5 | 4 / 5 | 1 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
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By Snakesaber
By Unithralith
Nice work!
By amsay5
i got robot put in sporecast
nice creature+colour
By Kahath
one of the best big cat creatures I have seen
By xX_ARC_Xx
Really cool creation! the head and colours look fantastic!! could you have a look at my creations sometime and tell me what you think? R
By toonlink343
By Sputicus
looks like a rat
By Bran03
By mycatgetshigh
awesome paint job, it accentuates the curves and musculature of the creation R+.
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