By Hanoan
06/02/2009 - 00:00:01
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.31 (Not rated)
Tags: empire, great, red, star
The galaxy knew peace as the Great Red Star Empire's war machine focused its efforts on the center of the galaxy.
It seemed the two great forces would engage each other for eternity, until Hanoan listening outposts intercepted this signal. "I killed all these cybernetic teddy bears to get to the center of the galaxy, and all I get is this freakin' hippy stick? Oh heck no. The Great Red Star Empire isn't putting up with this. We're gonna start by vaporizing Steve and then all you other fools are next!
Whoa! Featured. Hehe, I'm not worthy. I think it's the description that really caught some attention. Thanks for your comments everyone. I iz in your Sporepedia, commenting on your stuff.

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By pokemonmaster0ph
By InGenCorp
Very nice ship design. The prominent placement of the guns and the shape of the hull make it look like something that might show up in a movie.
By MatinusVivus
'Tis an awesome piece of craftwork...
By blindjoseph
I love the ship man, great design
By keane98
By Ace-of-Shades
"'I killed all these cybernetic teddy bears to get to the center of the galaxy, and all I get is this freakin' hippy stick?" That was hilarious! The ship pieces also compliment eachother very well. R+
By Splooshie123
R+ Nice ship! Grox? Meet your match! (they only win because they come in numbers)
By doom16
nice ship, but i blew up a bunch
By GreenEarth28
Not unless We blow it up! ;) Anyways THIS SHIP IS AWSOME!!!
By Eragon24232
this is an amazingly well made ship
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