Trick-Bug Template v5
Not rated

By Eppendix
05/31/2009 - 11:20:54

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.37 (Not rated)
Tags: bugtemplate, eppendix, template, trick


Feel free to use this template for your own bugs.
I was asked a lot of times "How did you do ....?" It is hard to explain how I do my creations. If you want to know what my creations made of just de-construct them in the editor. Thats how I learned a lot of tricks.
There is one thing I like to mention. If you re-interpret my creations, would you please add a reference to me as the original author? After it took hours for me to do my creations this seems to be fair.:D


DNA points
43 Bones4 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +0
0 %
10 %
7 / 20
3 / 20
1 / 15
5 / 53 / 50 / 5
2 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 51 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By phlyingphish

Sweet template! I made a creature out of all five of your trick bug templates! Check em' out.

By Maximo999

i made a trick bug its called trick-bug mito!!!:) hope you like it!!

By ferrety111

I made one! It's called Another Trick-Bug.

By megacreator44

I used this template to make my own, but i changed it

By Jakiba

wow! great template. i added it to my template sporecast.

By bigdog48


By kricki

Supercoole Idee !!!!!!!!!!! ;o)

By Terranrokz

Neat..I didnt know these were for others bugs,sorry if i bothered you at all by asking how you do it.No hard feelings,k?lol...

By bmpalmann

Hey these templates are amazing, and the deconstructing stuff works really well Thanks! Could someone comment on how I can improve on some of my stuff?

By Vyndaril

i lied. i made one of these too, =)

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