IAE Zapaltzaile Class carrier
Not rated

By Iraultza87
05/26/2009 - 20:35:30

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Tags: carrier, continuum, iae, invasion, iraultza87, transport


The Zapaltzaile is one of the biggest vessels in the fleet, this ship is both a carrier and an invasion transport.

It's 3 hangar sections keep 6 combat wings and several corbet battle groups for engaging the enemy.

Also in it's several decks infantry troops, vehicles and landing crafts are transported to their destination in order to acomplish their mission.


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By drew421

awsome!i love how you did the top part of the arms,and the colors are wonderful!

By MrPants9

wow! Cool!

By M5000

Cylon Basestar much? XD Nicely constructed.

By kernlsandrs

hey, i made a carrier based on your design, its called IAE Carrier, check it out, will ya? thanks!

By rossraider

Looks like a space station! A really cool one at that!

By v_ware

Stunning! So beautiful!

By munsonman1

Thanks for the comment and please keep these amazing ships comming! R+

By WooDaddy

That is one massive ship. Really excellent work Ira! Blue

By codyr2391

Another excellent design, I like the radial symmetry here.

By Gory51

Great work, you have a lot of skill man :)

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