'78 VW Bus
Not rated

By Potchez
05/24/2009 - 19:27:21

Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 0.21 (Not rated)
Tags: auto, bus, car, classic car, potchez, real, realistic, volkswagen, vw


We just dropped it like it's hot. V-DUB. Representing Deutschland. Another mild custom. (requested by swinnyjr)


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By neiljhunt


By hypermental

Very nice one!

By djmegavolt

nice work R

By DwaneGlenn

hey i LOVE VW!!

By fmasroor

wait a minute, isn't there supposed to be a triangle shape at the front? nice work though.

By M5000

Hey, speaking of VW's, can you do an old beetle? I've been wanting to do one really bad but I'd love to see how someone else does it first..

By DriveInAlien

Rode one of these from St. Louis to Disney World and back when a kid... fun trip, but these are very no-frills autos.

By prettysleepy

Always wanted one of these!

By Ivonne

Das ist ja super klein Bus guter VW.Sehe dir auch mal meine an ?

By Geeza

Not quite as good as your Beetle, but still recognisable as the iconic vehicle this is. I think think the windows let it down a little, otherwise a really great creation.

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