Baby Bowser
Not rated
By WingedYoshi
05/22/2009 - 02:12:15
Type: Creature
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: bowse, koopa, mario, mushrome kingdome, turtle
I thought it was about time i made baby bowser. he turned out more cute then intended. Made originaly by WingedYoshi.
DNA points
DNA points
35 Bones | 2 Feet | 2 Hands |
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +4
Health: +4
12 %
12 %
65.86 %
Sociability 11 / 20 | Aggressiveness 4 / 20 | Abilities 2 / 15 |
3 / 5 | 2 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
3 / 5 | 1 / 5 | 2 / 5 |
4 / 5 | 1 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
1 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
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By BraveSirPatrick
looks Real
By FatCats
Baby bowser is a cute baby dino went turtle like shell and did goes (Hee Hee Hee) the castle was a circus cup.
By ironman2179
Or wait..baby bowser and bowser jr are different...aby bowser is bowser as a baby(and befour he had his kids..BUT WHO DID HE START A FAMILY WITH!?O_o)and bowser jr is one of bowser's sons
By games4ever99
baby boswer does apear in super mario world 2 or whatever its called[baby mario and yoshie]. he is the end boss. he is also godzillla size
By ironman2179
@thegrax~~~~~I thought there was just a bowser jr.that CAN be called ''Baby Bowser''....
By kaleb702
I got a nest of him. "Baby Baby Bowser" O.o
By fleskyjerta
You mind if i could edit him to my liking? he is too cute!
By thegrax
actualy theres baby bowser and bowser jr.
By Retzorg
I think his name is Bowser Jr.
By atmonaco
You now one day i thout his name was yoshi!
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