By Iraultza87
05/20/2009 - 13:56:13
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)
Tags: capitol, dreadnought, iae, iraultza87, super
>Incoming transmision....
IAE proudly present the MCF mendeku , our flagship, this enormous Super-Dreadnought is our latest and most advanced vessel in the history of our armada.
Several times bigger than our Laya and toletana class dreadnought the Mendeku is suited eith our most heavy and powerfull shielding and weapondry.
Heavy dutty:
4 heavy Mass drive cannons (anti-capital)
8 heavy long barreled plasma cannon batteries(anti-capital)
12 heavy rail cannon batteries.
20 heavy missile bays.
Standard dutty:
34 multipurpouse missile bays.
16 plasma gun turrets
48 Railguns
1 corvette combat wing ( 50)
2 Sun-dancer combat wings (about 250 fighters each)
2 Toletum Battleships

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By scalpinock
How much long is it?
By YoshiJack
you should make this like you did the toletum buildings that would be awesome, although it is already. I made a template using toletum-starship template-and soon will have an adventure, starship battle!
By mugwamp71
Awesom ship its great
By zoology
whoa...your mini scale ships are awsome
By peppersprayed
the two ways I know to give the impression of great size is to make the ship bulky or to make it very wispy. You are very good at delicate features. I still tend to brute force things and exagerate features. R+
By peppersprayed
thanks for the comment. I'm a big fan of yours. also is it me or are the spore pages screwed up?
By TigrisSWE
wow wery nice space ship i love the deatails you have on it. Great colour to R++
By Jake-518
Great ship! R+
By MohawkJones
INSTANTLY BUDDIED!!! Wonderful design, your other creations are NUTS!!
By Spekldorf
again...i am wowed
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