Toll Bridge
Not rated

By Gryphon57
05/08/2009 - 16:06:24

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprops, gryphon57


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By EmanrulzU2

troll bridge?

By Musket456

Make the Toll Bridge a Troll Bridge.

By Antiangel

its a cool gaprop

By Alienv000

What happens if it does become a gaprop?

By Cocoa0301

Very Good, great job with the planks and detailing. Si Bien!

By Ceece

great bridge :D

By jai_ha

wow awsome bridge, awsome details and great colour

By Alienv000

May I ask what gaprops are?

By 123ee

very nice work! P.S. can you tell me how to turn and rotate the bases of the building. I know hot to make it float and all, but rotating the parts has stumped me. Can you please tell how? K, thanks! :^)

By murrells


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