Venator Republic SD
Not rated

By Iraultza87
05/08/2009 - 13:51:24
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)
Tags: clone, destroyer, iraultza87, republic, star, venator
my third version of the Venator Star destroyer, used wings to make the structure on this one.
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By slayer11
Really Cool dude!
By Groxallied
By MikeSinner
Anyway, credit goes to you as the original creator, so good job!
By MikeSinner
Geez, this has been stolen several times. Some people.... >_l
By zeke93
wouldn't say it's precise, but it's awesome in its own right.
By luki226
By Mr9000
one the midsection is too thin two the front is not pointy three front longer
By 1162Scorch
thats so nice the detail and stuff im´m a star wars fan and it looks like in the movie
By MonkPoh
F...ing Awesome!!
By LtZerge
oh, found the original! Anyways, awesome work, the textures and shape are very accurate. I was about to give the ship a whirl in editor, but I'm not sure if I can best this ^^
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