The Closet
Not rated

By Jatwal96
05/04/2009 - 09:54:03

Type: House building
Rating: 0.88 (Not rated)
Tags: boogeyman, chuck, chuck norris, closet, door, funny, jatwal96, joke, norris, scary


Some say that the boogeyman checks his closet every night for Chuck Norris! LOL! Pardon me for the crappy door, its just that it was a school night and I was up past my bed time...


By Alienv000

What I ment was cursing is not cool, anyway nice creation R+

By Alienv000

Don't curse, not cool

By Armoran_Master

He he he he he good joke

By WTFClock

i wonder who comes out of there.. (cough)michealjackson(cough)


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