Apocalypse salvage turret
Not rated

By Slart1bartfast
05/03/2009 - 08:59:59

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.11 (Not rated)
Tags: demonic, gaprop, mech, novadeathrace, scath, turret


OmegaTech originally planned to complete this mech and add it to their previously well recieved product list. After running into financial difficulties they only managed to display the head at the last Snuffcon tradeshow. They were hoping to secure extra finance through advance orders but Novas latest product line overshadowed them. They went into liquidation, and the Scath bought all the remaining technology associated with the project for next to nothing. Using the remaining shoulder and torso parts, they made a static platform and used the head as a turret which has sold very well to deathgames throughout the galaxy.


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By imdave

Hey didnt i see youplaying altitude?! :D:D

By mike_sushiX

Wow, cool thing!

By ethroptur

AWSOME! R ! do you still add to your prop shop sporecast, cos i've got this the book of prophecy prop

By oOKnightmareOo

Thats awesome!

By villit

I have some good GA props 4 ur sporecast check them out and see if they r good! Btw good turret!

By Fuzz95

Awesome turret! r+

By Jach123

I've subscribed to the props sporecast and it gave me some good ideas, if i make some good gaprops could you put them in? or more then 1200 is already enough :P

By max31000


By Gigacom

sick! Nice demon face on the front. Great use of parts. Cheak out some of my stuff sometime.

By luke268

that's sick

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