Steelbug AT


By Slart1bartfast
04/28/2009 - 19:31:17

Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 10.59 (Good)
Tags: allterrain, armoured, monstertruck, nova deathrace challenge, psychichazard


designed for psychichazards race.The Steelbug AT is almost all engine and armour, not to heavy on weapons but she can take some punishment, rides better in the dirt than on roads because of the low gearing, on the plus side she accelerates very quickly thanks to the 32 valve ,ehem, internal combustion engine over the back wheels.


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By gcdcyst

(64) DNF-1st lap near lap marker in a massive Pagga-Slang term for a large street-fight involving several people all laying into each other with fists, feet, nuks, pool cues and whatever else comes to hand. Thought to derive from "pandemonium".

By gcdcyst

Classic off roader lines, great texture on the front...um blast shield? Thanks.

By Antic76

I like this one a lot too. The shape is just great! R+

By Enderhenne

Great deathrace truck!

By jouze

hehehehe... now they have to call it motorkill instead of road kill... or wait would it be roadmo... hhhmmmm. nice work

By world_piece

Wicked shape. Looks very fortified and tough!

By beta_psi

Realy great shape to this tank! I'll definitely save a piece of it after I blast it to smitherines!

By bcrane

Still-a-bug is getting stomped!! :)

By Karl-EL

Great design. Definitely looks sturdy. R+

By MohawkJones

Great work, the front end is very intimidating. I love it!!

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