Not rated

By Pogo4543
04/24/2009 - 00:06:55

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.6 (Not rated)
Tags: decaying, maxis, rates, unfair, weird


I have question for maxis! who came up with rating decay? i mean if u have green and after R+=R- :-( that is weird


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By ahippo

I think rate decay was so that new creations got more attention than old ones. I still think it's a load of crap. It was totally a bad idea to begin with. I think with GA they will be updating the rating system so that will hopefully be better.

By tuinahvuni

I couldn't agree with you more! Rating Decay stinks! Huge design flaw. I don't know why it hasn't been fixed yet! I agree with Hasmed too - don't see a need for the down thumb button either - seems to me it is only used to hurt people.

By Hasmed

ya rate decay is crap actually only reason i'd be interested in rating atallis just exposure. comments and wards seem to be what matters most. not sure why theres a downrate either

By DrGravitas

Agreed! At the very least, there should be two scores; One as the highest rating an entry has reached (no decay) and one as the sorted rating (with decay.) That way, when we look at an individal creator's most popular, they actually are their most popular!

By Daunstopable1

r+ does not equal an r- but I don't like the idea of rate decay either.

By itsglenn

so, so SO right, I hate rate decay with a passion, I would hunt rating decay down if it was a persomn >:(

By st888

I don't think that that is quite how it works...It's more like it only effects older creations.

By ev_ers2

ratings decay sucks. Nice message. R+ on the creation.

By Jonathanrex1

I don't know, but it was a stupid idea.

By StarUniter

You are so right:D

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