money Cake Transporter


By planetmaster
04/19/2009 - 16:59:00

Type: Economic land vehicle
Rating: 5 (Good)
Tags: aperture, cake, glados, lie, portal, robot, roller, science, tribute, triumph, valve, white


Potentially a lie...


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By Koollnessss

maybye a reward a rewward for completing all the test chambers is not kill glados, but....... cake

By TenthSpeedWriter

Bahaha... Win, yes, but still very much a lie.

By Ewokhunt

Now what will the transporter do with that lol

By barrelroll17

Why don't you just relax while I warm up the deadly nuerotoxin. *cough* *cough*, so deadly...

By unit111

could u make the transporter without the cake cos teh transporter is really cool

By sillytomatoe

cool creation....though i think im missing something with it being a lie..........(someone will hav 2 fill me in)

By Soliton

You should probably add that this is a very minor edit of dananndna's. Nice though...

By IcePotash

Mmmmm, I love money cake!

By Mantidian


By dvalve

I've played Portal too!! :)

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