Not rated

By alpada1996
04/05/2009 - 12:39:43

Type: Religious land vehicle
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


By Avynire

nice detailing and texture use. thanks for commenting. as for asymetric there is a tutorial by LordVarmint on http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/165/3075.page

By Sarsaparilla

That's a good use of the religious parts for decoration. Usually they don't look very serious but they fit will with the rest of the walker here.

By XInfernoX

Cool I like the colors on it. BTW thank you for telling me it was an armidilo DNA on my DNA sculpture. Honestly it was just suppose to be some random DNA. I actually thought it wasn't that good in the middle with the strands in it TY =]


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