Djaheneru Watcher
Not rated

By manicmoose
04/03/2009 - 19:14:46

Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)
Tags: set:djaheneru


When the Djaheneru lost the war, and were exiled from their home planet, they had almost been wiped out. Only around 20,000 had survived the war. So when the Djaheneru found their new home, they built drones to fight and work for them, as they could not afford to lose more members of their species.


By Theopto197

Real sorry about copying the amantari thingy, I thought Maxis made it, and I needed a good chopter for my series, please forgive me.

By 96Lars96

Cool UFO

By raboff

I really like this

By thebrichasouras



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