Not rated

By fattypopo
03/25/2009 - 23:42:58

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.69 (Not rated)


The contest is to make the most the realistic animal (NO TEMPLATES) when you make comment me so i can put you in the contest CONTEST WINNERS WILL BE anounced on the trophy and will be informed if they win contest is due monday!


By DarkDracoSlayer

This Is a good creation but when I uprated it, it turned to yellow. :-( I don't know why! I'm sorry.

By tinchern

i have a few creatures i would like to enter... just pic your favorite and that one is the one i want in the contes(^_^) thanx

By chidog

No sporecast,ya everyones having problems,if your interested i made a trophy template for dragon contest,it will give you some idea's,you can use it to if you like.

By chidog

Sorry ididn't have time to make another one,but if there's still time enter my doberman.I will remove armour and share.Thanks

By chidog

I have a couple of war dogs for your contest. VERY REALISTIC!THANKS:)

By Ken_da_killa

i made a horsey ( no template used )


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