By tuinahvuni
03/25/2009 - 14:11:26
Type: Factory building
Rating: 3.05 (Good)
Tags: comanche, native american, plains indians, tuinahvuni, xsnac
The Comanches were rulers of the Great Plains in the 1700's and became known as the "Lords of the Plains" in southern North America. Renowned for their horsemanship, the Comanches defended their land from all intruders. As a child, I was taught to pray facing the four directions of the earth to show respect to the Great Spirit (Comanches believed in only one true God, unlike many South American tribes that worshipped many gods). The number four is of great importance to a Comanche and is considered a sacred number for that reason. My name Tuinahvuni translates "Little Mirror" and was given to me by the elder of my tribe when I was born. The modern day Comanche Tribe now numbers approximately 14,500 and predominately resides in Southwest Oklahoma. (This creation is based on a painting done by a renowned Comanche artist named Weckeah, she is a direct descendant of Quanah Parker the last chief of the Comanches)

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By rachcat
By Grofile
Wow that impresive i like how u made the tents =]
By Mannah1234
can i make a mueseumwith that painting?i would make it the most worshiped painting of the whole mueseum paintings.
That's quite a cool creation there, meaning nothing has changed. By the way, could you please tell me how you make your description that long?
By Rattannah
search my stuff, if you like it, subscribe to some of my sporecasts
By Rattannah
great picture memorial, very awesome and nice design
By KitKat56785
That's cool! I like how you put the lights at the bottom.
By 01Ben2001
By poprocks91
Awesome! you should check out some of my creations
By Exarch0
AKKK! Learning! R
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