Sylvablade Battle Reports 3

By toapat
03/21/2009 - 17:42:12

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 2.73 (Good)
Tags: toapat


00:02:30:00: Sol: Scar: Give it your all men, we either win this fight or die trying. Nurb: Glurft comander: Sir, ground forces sucessfuly inserted onto the planet. We shall begin the siege on your word. Toapat: Destroy them. Sol: Scar: What is this? The Alliance should still be Raising Nurbs, not coming back to destory the Bladewing. (a massive rift in space opens above Earth. A massive Starcruiser easily 9 times the size of the planet flies through the rift). HOLY SHIT. (The Starcruiser fires a single, massive ion cannon that destroys the AEON wing). Sylvablade Commander: ALL FORCES, Initiate full retreat effective immediately. (The Bladewing and standing forces of the Sylvablade Hyper jump to Nurb). Toapat: Sylvablade Commander? You realized that the AEON wing was bait then. SC: There is no AEON wing, well, not anymore. Toapat: you dared destroy one of you capital ships, even if it was controlled by your enemy? SC: No, something else came and destroyed it. Toapat: But who would destroy such a powerful and magnificence warship? (radio cuts out randomly) What the? (Broadcast over the entire galaxy) Grox commander Mechasphinx: I am Mechasphinx, We Grox have returned. We no longer stand alone, and this galaxy shall burn before our might. (transmission ends) Toapat: This is not good. Commander, i though you eradicated that entire race. SC: I did, how have they returned?


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By zerogman

U need to continue the stories

By unit1alpha


By Jesse101197

This is pretty cool

By Karl-EL

Very cool story line. R+

By zerogman

You should get a few more people to write sub stories following the story line you have.

By zerogman

Yeah, screwed up there trying to get in the moment... didn't work out, That's why I borrowed some from you.

By zerogman

I have a good question, does this mean a temporary truce between the Sylvablade or a 3 way fight?

By Omni89

I understand now. The Grox were far more advanced than I thought. From what I think now, this war might become similar to either the Clone Wars from Star Wars or something from Star Trek.

By Omni89

I see. Could the Grox have some cloning technology or the incident at Drak'thul might have something to do with it?

By Omni89

I think the Sylvablades should have checked the entire system where the Grox used to live. Have they did, this would not have escalated to a three way fight.

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