By Breakfall87
03/21/2009 - 14:56:45
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 12.27 (Good)
Tags: casablanca template, hilight, ship, spaceship, template
A Black Templar fighter based on Hilight's Casablanca Template. The Obsidian Paladin is known to keep several wings within its cavernous fighter bays. Their pilots are known for their fanatical tenacity and fearlessness.
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By Meatloaf1
You make the best ships!!! You must be talented.
By SteelFire
LOL @ 04starrd. it looks a lot like the ship from The Last Starfighter. Still awesome. R+
By Lanthanide
this fits very well with the obsidian paladin. another great one! R+
By 04starrd
wow, looks awseome, like something out of some sci-fi film
By delayedreaction
Brilliant work with the wings, very original! :DR^^
By blyon90
Awesome cockpit design! I'll have to see it in editor to get around the wing shielding though. R+
By StarUniter
i would love if you could come give an opinion on my stuff.
By Hilight
A well done ship Breakfall. It'll great to see in the editor. I'll add it to the sporecast asap
By Karl-EL
Oooh! I love this ship! R+
By Blibbilglobble
Oooh - ! I like. Sweet wing-pods. R+ (Green-faced it for ya!)
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