
By Sunfire2001
03/17/2009 - 06:46:13

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 15 (Good)


By XenElement

Thanks for the comments on the Metal Grinder Golem! I made it number 9 MPN, but it became over 24 hours. So I am going to thank everyone who helped get me this far!

By Geeza

R+ to compensate for my Domino effect.

By Vultrio

Interesting spaceship. It's like a wheel but heavily armed R+

By HavelokMartini

Good job, Sunfire! Your very good at the things I couldn't do in a million years!

By Core_Phase

this is co0l... R+ and thanx for your comments

By deadlineclick

that is a bad az ship! (congats on your win btw!)hang out on thread more often please? we miss you! ;) R+


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