Not rated

By zombieontherise
03/13/2009 - 13:14:52

Type: Colonial creature
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: contestwinner, joethejoe, legion of flesh, lof, zombieontherise


"Many hands make light of work." The Skush are one of the few nations thankful for the Legion's universal conquest. Centuries ago, the Legion had completely obliterated the Skush's natural predators, leaving their homeworld free of competition and allowing the Skush to achieve sentience. Ever since, the Skush have been hard at work, creating such a large nation that the Legion could not overlook them. In the end, their wish came true. Millions of Skush were slaughtered, as they saw this event as a religious cleansing and never took up arms. When the ultimatum came, they accepted gratefully. Due to their frail nature, they shy away from combat roles, but their ability to breathe in space has proved invaluable. They have quickly risen through the Legion ranks as mechanics and repairmen, keeping the warmachine they so dearly love running. Tendlex, minister of the Skush nation, is their representation in the Legion Council.


DNA points
69 Bones6 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +1
4 %
16 %
3 / 20
7 / 20
1 / 15
1 / 52 / 50 / 5
2 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 55 / 51 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

By ChupaDave

Wicked cool

By shattari

crazy.. great work on this.

By Kainz

Awesome legs :) and love the detailing!

By Ryguy4738

Wow, amazing!!

By Hydro_Glyph

Blue, very cool man..like the many legs and detailing of em

By Mausbiber

Looks so great.

By Zevais

my favorite of the winners, i guess you had three?

By zackbumm

great tentacel alien. i like the blades.


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