By Wingsaber
03/02/2009 - 17:20:49
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: avalariva, hover tank, invasion force, saberwing, wingsaber
A Class-12 Hover Tank. Designed to attack enemies from long range with its 20" main battery. Because lazers are not as effective when used within an atmosphere this tank uses conventional 20" armor peircing incinderary shells. The two cannons of it's main battery are capable of throwing a 1300 lbs. shell over 25 miles. Four smaller 5" guns flank the two main cannons for use on closer range targets. Each is capable of throwing a 54 lbs. shell 5 miles. Thick armor protects this vehicle from enemy attack, but also slows the craft. Thus these tanks are not deployed with out scouts and defensive units.
By Cerberus667
really like the logo
By Avynire
the texture look great, thanks for the comments.
By Hilight
Very nicely done!