Persian Smelter
Not rated

By Tyrael78674
02/27/2009 - 19:01:51

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.65 (Not rated)
Tags: architecture, caliph, caliphate, islam, persian, sassanid, set:persia, tyrael78674


The forges and bellows of the smelterworks never stop. Endlessly melting and purifying the vast quantity of metals that pour in from the out lying provinces into valuable and sought after ingots.


By Ixecrator

I like it lots! Wonderful job!

By TnT-Productions

wow the details on this are utterly amazing:) R+

By riederman

Too cool! Great series! R+

By Tyrael78674

yeah, this is my favorite one of the whole set...i did put more details into this one, but that's only because the complexity meter would allow it...of course once i finished the meter was near maxed out...hehe ;)

By Andeavor

Awesome, it looks like everything's there. Great work on the details with this one. ;)

By Cocoa0301

Whoa!! Thats Outstanding!! Great Job!!!


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