Mac Arthur Park
Not rated

By ChupadooDad
02/25/2009 - 22:53:39

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.47 (Not rated)
Tags: cake, candles, mac arthur park, mushrooms


Okay music fans, here's a literal interpretation of the most famous line from this song. For those of you who don't get it, I apologize for being middle-aged and you can look up the song on Wikipedia. 8D P.S. I know that I should have used green icing for the cake, but for the sake of the creation, the contrast was better using the pink. NOTE: This creation must be seen in the editor for full effect.


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By walfer

so cool

By Orion1004

Tsk, tsk. You a Richard Harris both need to take better care of your baked goods. ;) Love it! R+++

By JelloJolteon2000

Yummy- cake! R+! =D

By tuinahvuni

I don't know what to think you know I'll never have that recipe again, and you left it out in the rain! LOL! This is awesome! can't wait to check it out in the editor! R+

By joanmiro

Sweet R[s]

By matantg

Fantastic.. and isnt wiki useful, really helped me here XD, sorry i havnt responded in a while, its taking me ages to get through comments, but you know how that feels. keepup the great work :)

By johasbun

very cool! :)

By Lefeber

Awesome, love the cake and candles, looks great ! :D

By dirk7

Great creation! Don't know the song but it looks cool!

By riederman


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