Monument to the Great Hero Kiba

By Stryfe89
02/22/2009 - 17:33:57

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 12 (Good)
Tags: assassin, dog, memorial, monument, ninja, shinobi, shinobinu, statue


This Monument is a memorial to Kiba Inunaga, a swordsman without equal, who's actions during the unification wars (civilization stage) helped to unite the planet. Kiba Inunaga dreamed of a united planet. He and his armies conquered city after city until only one remained, the last stronghold of the Forest nation. The fortress was impenetrable to direct attacks and refused to surrender. In a desperate move, Kiba and his most trusted followers secretly infiltrated the fortress and sabotaged the defenses, ultimately resulting in his death. Not living to see his dream fulfilled was said to be his only regret. His followers erected this statue to honor him and his sacrifice. This statue is found in the center of all Shinobinu cities.


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By PikminFan24

Cool! That thing makes all my stuff look terrible! (}o:)

By DrPhil25

Its hard to to make statues of your species but very rewarding.... I made one of my Banana species!!!

By bohric

Great story, and since you made it a city hall, it IS found inthe middle of all your cities!

By gtr4him

Sweet! =D im never good at making statues...


Nicely done! I like the story, too.

By hollowsev

awsome!!! simply awsome! did i menten ... AWSOME!!!

By James031293

Your really good at making ninja themed creations! Have you considered making an epic ninja warrior bttle adventure because that would be awesome! R

By jadow11


By iceman2

very complex and interesting

By Sevensins

Great job! This statue will be in many of my colonies.

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