Sylvablade Battle Reports 2
Not rated

By toapat
02/15/2009 - 01:25:51

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: toapat


Planet: Legolas: Resently came under attack. any information afterwords is unknown.
Planet: Shade: all supply stores were raided. heavy damage delt to all structures on the planet.
Solar system: Sol: any attempts to recover ship debris has been blocked by the AEON wing. Solar system: Venge: Captured due to important positioning along the trade routes. a large number of ships and materials being transported were lost in the battle. trade routes must be redirected. Planet: Terial: Unknown. possibly destroyed. Further investigation required. Sector: Q69: Rim Sector. This sector is reported to have been completely taken over by resistance fleets. Any and all mining operations have stopped. Planet: Drak'thul: An unknown fleet (not the resistance) entered high orbit and within 1 planetary hour, incinerated the planet.


By zerogman

That last part...nah couldn't be

By toapat

its part of a storyline, it may not make sence if you only read the current chapter

By Dalgorad

hum...wtf ?

By toapat

a situation? more like every nation they enslaved turning against them in one massive bid for freedom. the final entry on Sylvablade space warns of the third fighting force

By Cheddar9

Looks like the Sylvablade have a situation.


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