Not rated

By Dragon00000
02/14/2009 - 13:01:25

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.25 (Not rated)


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By genphilboubou

cool please check out my stuff and leave feedback

By WolfFox94

Petty good. I like the shape. It really captures the essence of a bee. Check out my creations if you find the time. :D

By celler

Wow. i hope i see it in my spore game. and comment some of my creations

By Sakiara

Congrats on your feature Dragon :) I like this bee, it is nicely colored and good use of parts too.

By hpatx

Great detail work. Added to my cool rides sporecast. R+

By sew654321

Great job..gratz on the feature

By 95Mercury

So realistic. Scary! Bees hurt!

By nice2835


By MayorCoffeeBean

Great job! Best bee spaceship I've seen! Added to insect-O-Rama

By Tyrannadon

Cool, nice creation. Congratz on the feature, btw!!R+ed!

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