Chess Board

By ChupadooDad
01/28/2009 - 16:37:51

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 4.2 (Good)
Tags: chess, game


This was my first attempt at an artistic kind of thing. Until this, I was just making simple buildings and creatures for the game. BTW: surly, you're right! I was just so into trying to get the board dimensions right and finding suitable things for chess pieces that I never even considered the board orientation! Thanx to everyone for all of the wonderful comments!


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By waffleman29

Cool! Buddied!

By united555

I made a chess board too! i didn't think anyone else would bother making one. This one is good. R .

By xXFablefanXx

oops make

By xXFablefanXx

lol if they did ake a board will those affects you would get distracted and cough alot

By Jeromie98

Wow,this is awsome.....

By n10god

QKne6. awesome!!!!

By Stargwayer

I will never be that good!

By deadlineclick

im assuming someone told you a white square go in the lower left corner?

By deadlineclick

AWESOME!!!!!!! i an a chess player. expert level. we should play online sometime! this is beautiful!

By DAZ-Dizzy

this is so cool, very nice job!

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