Life Essence
Not rated

By Al_B_Bach
01/27/2009 - 00:23:44

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.21 (Not rated)
Tags: al_b_bach, fairy, flight, life, sprite, winged


Life Essence is the most precious of all. The mother of all Essence and giver of lifes breath, a golden beauty and rosey charm, she touches all of life. She lives for life and all that is around in the physical. She is a kittens purr, a puppies breath, a newborns first view. She lives in all hearts, both gentle and cruel, for she does not care of temperament, but only that which can be moved by the love of life. She cares not for the evil and lost, for those that have no heart. She touches only those with the Essence in life and gives us our awareness of its' being and where it is in others. She opens our eyes to the wonder of our own being and casts the questions of our own place in this universe and that of our awareness. She is the guidance of curiosity and that of wisdom, the teacher of folly and that of pain. For though we start with life, it is but fleeting for it will end with her as well. We can try to jealously keep her with us all through life and enjoy the gifts she brings us never letting go seeking immortality, but it is like holding dreams - a wish supreme and not to be. Her gifts are to many to mention, so many to remember, to much to absorb. Life Essence is our true gift, in each and everything that lives. Relish the splendor and bathe in its' joy. In youthful age - she is our wonder, in age of elder - our dreams. To catch her wink, is the golden moments of life. She gives us pleasure and gives us sadness, for when she parts in that final wink, it is time. We will close our eyes to see no more, to take no breath of loving air, forever sleep that long dark slumber, no dreams to entertain. For when she is gone, with one last kiss, she leads us on, parting these mortal bounds. She takes us to the rainbow bridge with those foot steps in the sand. The waves will come and wash the footprints away parting mortal ties, to become a memory past, to join the others in another realm and be told of to life so new. The Mobius Loop of life - the twinkle of her eyes, the first breath is where we live, the last to be passed on in spirit. Though we pass, we are never gone, to live in the hearts of the new and the dreams of old. We are immortal, to be reborn in the hearts of others, for we have the paradox gift of Life's Essence! This is the surprise of Life's Essence, my very last one, and The Great Creator did smile. I hope you all enjoyed. The template will be available soon, but ONLY in the Essie Scast. I look forward to others creations, but it is my hope that the spirit of the Essence will be kept in the use of the template! Please read the description in the template for its use. I want to add it to the Scast for all to enjoy! Cheers and may Essie be with you! [Creature design by Al B. Bach]


DNA points
69 Bones0 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +0
0 %
100 %
9 / 20
3 / 20
5 / 15
5 / 53 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 54 / 5
4 / 50 / 51 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By lazywnch

Stealing a bunch of your stuff for my favorites sporecast. Deal.

By HeatherJG

Awesome creature!

By Nutty96

Thanks so much!! :D

By Nutty96

Lol Good luck! (on getting better AND comments :D)

By Nutty96

nice creation! Hope your feeling better :O btw, how do you get an animated avator?

By GodHand

Get well soon! (And you weren't really late, it hasn't even been 24 hours yet!)

By Rantalia

I always liked your descriptions of your Essences, so full of poetry :D, it will be a honor to use the template.

By GodHand

In other news, I think my new moogle might fit in your cute a beautiful Sporecast...

By GodHand

I really like this! the detailing is amazing!

By TorgOwl


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