Post-Apoc Factory
Not rated

By dananddna
01/26/2009 - 22:06:33

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.37 (Not rated)
Tags: apocalypse, broken, crumble, dananddna, destroyed, destruction, ga, gaprop, gray, post, post-apocalypse, prop, ruins, wreck


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By Eragh

Absolutely great! I'd like to use it in an adventure if you like. I'll give you a credit ;-)

By MattH100

I'm sure you get comments like this loads, so sorry to bother you with this... Would it be ok for me to use your "post-apoc" series in my adventures? They're by far the best ruined buildings in can find on sporepedia and I will of course give full credit

By jameshanson

My friend would LOVE this

By squabwash

cool concept which I will use in my cities; kudos

By coolkitty64

it sort of looks like the krusty krab!

By Solkovskyj

That's excellent! I really love the detailing.

By dethfalcin

Wow this is super cool and reminds me of fallout 3

By BionicBadBoi

The beams and broken walls are superb.

By Morartu

Very good idea!

By Rornith

Two words: Dang.......

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