Post-Apoc House
Not rated

By dananddna
01/26/2009 - 22:06:28

Type: House building
Rating: 0.38 (Not rated)
Tags: apocalypse, broken, crumble, dananddna, destroyed, destruction, ga, gaprop, gray, post, post-apocalypse, prop, ruins, wreck


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By WHL2002

Your Post-Apoc Series Are Good,Im Amazed! I Will Give You Credit,Im Buddying You!

By Palafico

Hi, dananddna. I see your REALLY good at making these ruin type things... and I was wondering if you could help me out with my new adventure LIMBO. All I need are some ruins of a city, coated in a very dark color and feeling. I'll be sure to credit you.

By bellus91

Nice ruin!


nice i like it keep building apocplse buildings

By leukas

wow thats nice :D

By Fireman3521

All your post-apoc building are awesome, I added them to my sporecast. Leave me know if you dont want. R+

By creaiden

this set is going to be used in my 3059 apocolypse if that ok?

By Reverend Colin

Hey, can I use your stuff for my adventures?

By quetzalcoatlus

i was actully thinking of making a deserted planet in GA and this would be perfect!

By Slart1bartfast

great pieces, all added to the prop shop :)

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