Arche-Mazk Prototype

By Xyhaun
01/24/2009 - 04:25:21

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 6.43 (Good)
Tags: haunshaul, mech, prototype


The first in a line of space-faring mechs, this prototype is equiped with six jets, which can be individually turned to steer the mech. Because it is a prototype without arms or legs, it won't be tested outside of the G3N-One Testing Void.




Definitely not bad for your first mech man, these things are really not easy to make. Yea great job man, keep it up ^^

By theMontalope

great concept, and done really well. Love the colors R+

By OmniShade

sickk, its like a test tube mechanical experiment! r+

By NextToGone

Very good! Love the design!

By Xyhaun

Easiest to see when the lightish blue cloud is right behind it. So you're looking straight at the forehead. And if you wanna see the details recolor it in the editor haha. Might do another paint job later.

By Xyhaun

My first attempt at a cool spaceship. Paint by Shattari if I recall correctly. Sorry if it's bad, first try and all. Fun in a "I really wanna get this done" sort of way. =P


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