Choa-Len Zonee

By Al_B_Bach
01/17/2009 - 00:56:41

Type: Creature
Rating: 3.55 (Good)
Tags: al_b_bach, choa-len, cute quadruped, herbivore, zonee


There isn't a Choa-Len daughter from princess to civilian that doesn't want a Zonee. They aren't for riding as they are to small in stature, but make lovely companions for young and old. As far back as the breed has been domesticated they have been a favorite companion of all the little Choa-Len girls. And why not, they are adorable! Even tempered and easy to maintain. They don't get very big and don't require much in the way of feed or grooming. Most Choa-Len fathers are very happy to get them, they tend cut down on lawn cutting - a major plus, but keep them out of the garden!. They even do well in the house as long as the wings are trimmed and even more amazing is that they can be litter box trained. Forever, Zonee's have been a performing animal and can been seen with street mimes and circus clowns. Always a delight for all to see and bring laughter to all with their antics. Any performer worth their salt has one in their act. Highly intelligent they take to all types of training, even that of law enforcment security and postal delivery service. Even the Palace Hounds and Katzin love them to the trainers amazment! Fear ran rampant when one chased a ball in the hound pens, but the loose and normally ferocious hounds that were in training just wanted to play! It had such an affect that even the hounds played with eachother instead of the normal guarding stance they take with eachother. Zonee's work well with anyone and anything. Many are used in therapy for ease of those in hospice and the relief of daily hum-drum for the elderly. They have a gift of spiritual lift just by gazeing into the huge dreamy eyes and such soothing purrs and childlike chirps that one can't help but fall in love with it. It creates a bond that is so close to a mother/child relationship in ones heart that it's scary. Many have referred to them as lost children, for in some groups it is believed they are indeed the souls of Choa-Len children that have passed on and reincarnated in the Zonee. They are therefore greatly cherished and protected by their owners. By far, one of the most precious companions in the Choa-len Empire. It is said that even the Empress has a stable dedicated to them with the finest of breeds. They are such wonderful creatures, Zonee's are so playful and passive that they even won the hearts of the hardened Grox Ambassadors during diplomatic talks at the palace and were given some as a gesture of good will along with two prized Hunting Katzin whose skill had impressed them as well. This was a deal maker for the Choa-Len and now there is a unbounding peace between the two Empires, and it is all owed to this little cutie, the Zonee. They always bring a smile to all and a blessing of joy to their keepers. Part one of a small series of four! {Dedicated to my pal Lazywnch, for all her kindness and support! :)} [Creature design by Al B. Bach]


DNA points
60 Bones4 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +0
3 %
100 %
7 / 20
4 / 20
8 / 15
3 / 52 / 55 / 5
0 / 52 / 53 / 5
4 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By Spooradit

Such a sweet creature - a litter trained too - who could ask for more?

By Krukalu

wonderful descriptiona color! (ps. munchum template is done-o)

By mamapook

She is beautiful! You have such a great eye for color and detail!

By Zekovu

This is so cute! for some reason it reminds me of a My Little Pony toy. R+

By WesternDragon101

haha this is neet! Like the colors!!

By tigresslilly

Adorable, the contrast between the eyes and the coag color is really nice

By Marco8ynwa

great work painfully cute :D

By Fulgars

I joined the templates Sporecast, thanks for making it :D Great creation, very cute R+

By bear90


By edewitt1

It looks like a flying my little pony

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