Hive Scout
Not rated

By badger79
01/13/2009 - 23:14:22
Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 0.17 (Not rated)
Tags: bee, bug, green, insect, mech, metal, robot, set:chitanid, sting, wasp, wings
Hive scouts are operated by the Chitanid warrior cast, they patrol far and wide on the look out for intruders and potential food sources.
Contact us at

By draeona5
By TorgOwl
That's a wonderful biologically looking flyer
By Rantalia
Good job on the body shape and the wings, =)
By HorseFiend
Looks much better than my wasp attempt...Love the eyes and segmented abdomen.
By Triobite
By joanmiro
these are terrific, great bugs R[s]