![Not rated](skin/rating_neutral.png)
By Hilight
01/12/2009 - 07:35:20
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.36 (Not rated)
Tags: bulet, hilight, ship, space, spaceship, sport, sport bike, sunbike
A V-4 bullet bike. It has the same engine as the chopper, but it's faster and much more maneuverable because it has a small, light chassis designed for handling. Most who ride one of these never get the bike up to its limits. This isn't because the riders aren't brave (on the contrary, they are often very brave indeed), but because only on a race track can you ever find enough clean asphalt to get the bike going as quickly is it can go. In a race between a bullet bike like this one and a fast chopper, it's not the potential of the bikes that decides who wins much of the time. It's often more a matter of which rider is foolish or brave enough to keep the throttle rolled open just a little longer. Try doing 110 miles per hour as you split lanes in rush hour traffic sometime, and you'll see what I mean :) --------------Hats off to delayedreaction's excellent R-26 sport bike which provided the inspiration for some of the ideas used making this bike
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By alanw
great details!! awesome work!
By kattleader1
finally, a good bike.
By Deadpool195
No comment in the presence of a great masterpiece...
By lizar57
nice work i bet that i could make all of them into robots if i tried r 10000
By Snwstudd420
good job
By tsohG
What a nice ride... I've GOT to take this apart to see how you did the engine! WOW!
By world_piece
Too cool for words. Great colour scheme. Looks fast!
By John_Freeman
You've practically perfected bike making for Spore; this is the best looking sport bike I think I've seen. Amazing job.
By Stormwind
im going to stick to walking....lol
By LordVarmint
110 mph, lane-splitting in rush hour? Those guys don't live long. LOVE the space-Buell.
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