Forest Essence
Not rated

By Al_B_Bach
01/11/2009 - 02:13:39

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.63 (Not rated)
Tags: al_b_bach, fairy, flight, forest, sprite, winged


Forest Essence is the gay dance of Dandelion seeds on a soft Spring breeze or the flutter of falling colored leaves in Fall. She is a part of our lives that can't be ignored, forever weaving sound, smell and sight into warmth that helps makes the sun glow on the earth and the evening moon reflect a basking light. She guides the falling dew and rain to replenish thirsting plants, thus giving life to all. So much is owed to her, yet so little asked in return. It is in our hands that she plays, we direct the needs... yet we neglect the Essence she truely is by innocence lost. Our sight is clouded and lost on the beautiy that she gives, the purity and splendor that is still there. She is bound to us you see, for she can only give to what is there and we have lost so much through hurried neglect. But fear not, she is still here. Where a simple flower grows or a tree of mighty stature rises to greet the sun, there still is her Essence tending the the child within that brings us home to what nature was. To go forth and multiply was not meant for us alone, plant a tree or flower, so much depends on our involvement and her life giving magic. She is the Essence that binds our future to our home world. So the next time you feel the desire to go camping or the walk in the woods, to feel that 'Call of the Wild'.... look into your heart and discover the reason. I'll bet it's the Forest Essence tugging ever so lightly calling you home. Part seven of a small series of eight! [Creature design by Al B. Bach]


DNA points
61 Bones0 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +0
0 %
100 %
8 / 20
3 / 20
7 / 15
5 / 53 / 52 / 5
0 / 50 / 53 / 5
3 / 50 / 52 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By Spooradit

Loving that certain majesty a the poetic description. She's a beauty

By bcrane

Very nice use of parts. Excellent. :)

By SolarisPhoenix

Mmm, pretty in green ^___^ R

By HorseFiend

Thanks for showing up my flying snake... xP
Just kidding, this is awesome. Very pretty and great description.


Awesome! this thing has great discription! R+

By Rebecca1208

Very cute :-) nice detail

By Purple_flame

Lovely. Another thumbs up!!

By PostIndu

Thumbs UP!

By BellaBlim

ah very lovely, love the eyes!

By Slart1bartfast

You add lots of character to your creatures with these lovely tales, the hair on this is especially well done.

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