Bauder Rich Colony Mall
Not rated

By Parkaboy
01/10/2009 - 14:04:27
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.14 (Not rated)
Tags: parkaboy, set:sproog
I ended up using this as buildings for the Sproog species. Just ignore the name.
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By 0IoI0
@Ecko Yes, virtualy impossible, but with the tremendous amount of planets in the galaxy, something like that likely exists. Its a video game, anyways, so it doesn't eactly have to appeal to real life.
By Ecko0IXth
@0lol0 A planet made entirely of gold would be virtually impossible, not mentionning that it would make gold become worthless.
By 0IoI0
What if they have planets made of gold? Then thay wouldn't have to be rich!
By TheGamer57
can I do a set based on the scheme of this?
By werderfan2012
i really love the colors and the great design,R+
By Gapo der Clown
wow very good idea. i like the details and the colors are wonderful. 5***** it´s so wonderful i love it =D R+++ respect
By Wolkenkuh
Bauder rules^^