Astroid Bombardment Unit
Not rated

By Vilageidiotx
01/08/2009 - 03:33:39
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.48 (Not rated)
Tags: death star, meteor, meteorite, planet, rock, rocket, vilageidiotx
Some species have found it useful to strap rockets to asteroids and shoot them at their enemies planets. This method of warfare is effective. It is frowned upon by many empires.
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By GenWolf
Now 'isten 'ere humies, we been using Roks cuz we da orks and we are the biggest and the strongest!
By Caius
this is very original one!
By natedog123
This isn't creepy, this isn't cute, this is, and always will be, disgusting. I like it!
By wfish11
Is this what really happens with an asteroid call terraforming tool!?
By kaleb702
@dan00794: Also it can cause more sapient species and that is frowned upon without using the more humane (and less destructive) monolith.
By kaleb702
By dan00794
I can see why it angers them, especially since it can harm civilian structures and planetary populous, so it's either you destroy all of the planet's inhabitants with a swarm of these, or face judgement (I recommend annihilation xD)
By hypern0va
Hooray for intergalactic war crimes!
By Paradox42
Nice R+
By LethalEddgge
Amazing job.
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